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  • Writer's pictureLoryLinn

The Low-Carb Diet That Works for Me

One day when my daughter was pregnant, and I went to the OB with her. I was looking around the waiting room and then I saw the reflection, the woman who looked like she was 11-months pregnant; that’s when it hit me, that woman in the reflection was me! Oh, I knew it was time to do something about that.

So, last October 2017 I told myself I was going on a diet. I knew the low-carb diet would work because it did in the past, well until I got sick because I did it wrong. I learned from that mistake and I didn’t want to get sick again, so I did what I do best… research! I researched all the low-carb ideas I could find just to be sure I wouldn’t get sick and then with a lot of determination and willpower I set out on my journey to lose weight.

I was 178-pounds, more than a female at 5-foot 3 should weigh. I felt like a cow, I couldn’t bend over to tie my shoes and walking up and down the stairs was no easy task! With my health issues I already have, this was not in my best interest.

So, do you want to know what I did? I got rid of all the starch; basically, all the good stuff like potatoes, bread, and pasta. Pasta was hard for me since Italian food is, or at least it was, my favorite. No more cereal or even fruit. It seems that a lot of what I thought was healthy was really bad for me.

With determination, I emptied my pantry and started over. While doing my research I learned there were a few ways this diet could be done. Since our bodies need some carbs I read where most people eat no more than 50 grams of carbs a day while others were okay with 100 a day. I opted to try for the 100 grams a day.

At first, I was so strict with myself that I felt cheated out of my own birthday cake and the holidays without cookies was a crime, but I knew this was something I had to do for myself, so I did it! Well, I might have cheated on myself with one chocolate chip cookie.

I started reading every label, not paying any mind to the calories in the food just the carbs. At first, I was excited because I would see something that would read 30-grams of carbs and I thought that was great I could eat it, then I realized that was per serving, and a serving isn’t meant to be the entire package. I guess it’s important to read the serving size, which on all the good stuff, that would be the equivalent to a half a teaspoon, or so it seemed at the time.

Anyway, the time has moved on and it’s now one year later. I’ve gotten so used to the diet now that I can’t eat the wrong stuff because it makes me sick. Oh, and do you remember me saying earlier that Italian was my favorite food? Well, not anymore! I even found a way to substitute the pasta, but I don’t have the same cravings for pasta like I used to.

When I started out on this diet I was 178-pounds with a goal of making it to 145-pounds. I hit that goal and a few more than that. I have gone down 3 pant sizes and I’m swimming in all my larger shirts now. I feel proud that I accomplished my goal, but I won’t stop because I know that with a diet like this, you can gain twice the weight if you give up. Besides, I no longer have the desire to eat all that heavy stuff. I do get a sweet tooth every now and then, but I can afford to cheat now as long as I’m careful.

I will share with you some of my tips and alternatives to eating right. Please keep in mind that I’m not a doctor and what works for me might not work for you, but I do know that this will work if you do it right. It is a better alternative than diet pills and some of the other things on the market. If you have health problems, you should talk with your doctor before beginning any diet.

Foods to Cut Out of Your Diet:

  • Bread

  • Pasta

  • Potatoes

  • Rice

  • Cereal

  • Jellies, jams, and peanut butter (although a tad of PB will be okay)

  • Grits and Oatmeal

  • Fruits (believe it or not, fruits are filled with carbs, some more than others. Bananas are my favorite and they have over 30-grams of carbs just in one)

  • Fruit juices

  • Anything boxed or frozen (If it looks like it was made in a factory it probably isn’t good for you)

Foods to Eat:

I failed to mention that you will need a lot of protein with this diet, so keep that in mind.

  • Beef, chicken, fish (Any meat high in protein baked and never fried. Prepare tuna salad and eat it on a bed of lettuce)

  • Cheese

  • Eggs (Boil the eggs for a mid-day snack or cut them up in a salad. You can get creative with omelets and scrambled eggs so that you will not only get full, but you will also get a lot of protein. Consider preparing egg salad and eating it on a bed of lettuce)

  • Salads (I have eaten so many salads in the past year that my nose is starting to twitch and I’m growing whiskers. If you buy ready-made salads be sure and read the label for carbs because there will be some carbs added. Try and stay away from salads containing fruit)

  • Some peanuts (These are good for the protein but read the label to see how many you can eat)

  • Zoodles (This is zucchini made into noodles to replace pasta)

  • Sauces (Not all sauces are good because some have sugar hidden in them, so be sure to read the carb label before eating)

  • Mashed cauliflower (this makes a great replacement for mashed potatoes)

  • Use lettuce leaves in the place of bread

  • Lorna Doone cookies and snacks (if you really need a sweet with your coffee you can eat these within reason. Read the label, you can usually have two a day if it fits into your limit)

  • Diet sodas only! (you will be surprised at the number of carbs in non-diet sodas. Even then you should limit your soda intake)

  • A lot of water (learn to drink water with your meals as opposed to other types of drinks)

  • Coffee (straight black with nothing added)

  • Pork Rinds (not my favorite but I’ve learned to like them. This is the only snack without carbs. Not only can they be eaten as a snack, but you can also use them to substitute bread crumbs)

Final Thoughts

I’m sure I’ve probably forgotten to add some things to the list, but when you’re not sure about something you can look it up. In doing my research I found a handy chart that you can print out and keep on your fridge.

Just remember these things:

  1. Set a goal before you get started

  2. Count your carbs and eat more protein than you’re used to eating (know that if you’re doing 100-grams of carbs a day, you can eat some carbs, just use caution)

  3. Eat smaller portions (Instead of two helpings, eat only one. If you must eat pizza, consider eating only one slice with a salad. Pizza with the thin crust is best. Skip the rolls at dinner and eat a salad instead)

  4. NEVER eat and then lay down (I try not to eat after 6 pm)

  5. You will still need exercise (I try to walk at least once a day)

  6. You can cheat one day a week (I didn’t cheat too much until I hit my goal)

  7. Don’t give up (It will take some time before you notice the difference, but it does work, trust me)

Good luck on your journey, and if you have any questions along the way, feel free to contact me and I will help the best I can!

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